Translator – Language Geek – Musician – Entrepreneur

I’m a translator, and also a musician, a lover of walks in the forest, a parent, a pedant and a professional. I enjoy a good deadline and I like being picky about details.
I was an in-house translator at a large German software company for fifteen years, and I now put that experience to good use in freelance IT projects, translating websites, white papers, press releases, documentation and marketing material.
I also take pleasure in translating for solopreneurs of various sectors, making sure their personal brand shines as brightly in English as it does in German. As a solopreneur myself, I know how important it is for your passion and authentic voice to come across in your written communication.
“Es war für uns ein großer Glücksfall, Jane Eggers kennenzulernen! Wir sind begeistert von ihren treffenden Übersetzungen, von ihrer Fachkompetenz, von ihrer freundlichen Art und ihrem Dienstleistungsdenken.
Herzlichen Dank, Jane, für deine wertvolle Unterstützung!
Wir freuen uns auf weitere gemeinsame Projekte.”
Anne Caroline Skretteberg
My journey so far
I’ve now been living in Germany for more than half my life, having grown up in London, studied in York and also lived in France and India.
As well as spending as much time as I can in the UK, I work with a UK-based editor who makes sure that my English stays fresh and up to date.
- BA in French and Linguistic Science from the University of York
- Diploma in German from the Chartered Institute of Linguists
- Diploma in Translation (German to English) from the Chartered Institute of Linguists
- BDÜ (German Interpreters’ and Translators’ Association)
- CIEP (Chartered Institute of Editors and Proofreaders).

What I’m up to now

I set up Jane Eggers Translations in 2015 and love the freedom it gives me.
Freedom to take on translation projects I love, and freedom to network and collaborate with other translators and with solopreneurs from other sectors. When I commit to a project, I’m all in, making it my priority to make your English texts the best they can be.
So if you’re passionate about your German texts and are looking for someone committed to making them shine in English, get in touch today.
Call me on +49 (0) 6224 1607611
“In unserem Sprachenzentrum bieten wir für unsere Kunden auch Übersetzungen an, die wir intern an ÜbersetzerInnen weiterleiten. Nachdem wir diesmal einen personalen Engpass hatten, beauftragte ich Jane mit einer Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung.
Auf Grund meiner langjährigen Erfahrung mit den unterschiedlichsten ÜbersetzerInnen kann ich die Qualität einer Arbeit sehr rasch beurteilen – und ich war/bin von Janes Übersetzung restlos begeistert. Jane arbeitet schnell, gewissenhaft und exakt.”
Birgit Bauer